Governance process is an important part of the Celo ecosystem. If you are not already familiar with it, you can get quick understanding of it from these overviews by Chorus One and Figment Network groups. There is also an in-depth documentation from cLabs, if you want to dive even deeper to learn about the process and implementation.
Assuming you are now familiar with the general governance process, lets go through how you can participate in it through Celovote.
Governance with Celovote
Governance tab is where you can find all proposals that are in queue or in referendum stage. This tab becomes available when you connect with the Ledger wallet on Celovote.

Governance Tab
If there are any queued proposals, they will show up in Queued Proposals
section. You can choose
1 queued proposal to upvote. Top 3 proposals with most upvotes will move on to the next stage and, if
approved, will enter the referendum stage.

Queued Proposals
Proposals that are actively voted on, show up in Proposals in Referendum
section. You can and should
vote for every active proposal. Have your voice heard, every vote does count!

Proposals in Referendum
NOTE For every Governance action you perform, you will have to approve separate transaction for each authorized address on your Ledger wallet.
Technical Notes for Release Gold contracts
You might notice that transactions that show up on Ledger device look slightly different for regular addresses
compared to Release Gold contract addresses. This is because regular addresses allow you to perform Governance actions directly,
whereas for Release Gold contracts, governance actions have to be proxied through Celovote service. To
proxy actions securely, Celovote uses signed EIP712
messages. Since EIP712
is still a new standard,
Ledger wallet doesn’t have full support for it yet, thus transactions to sign show up as opaque messages on the device.
Hopefully, Ledger adds better support for EIP712
soon, which
will make transactions more informative and transparent on the Ledger device. We have also proposed
a change to Release Gold contracts itself, which would avoid the
need to proxy actions in the first place.
There are various channels you can use to stay up to date and be notified about all upcoming and ongoing Governance proposals:
- Forum run by cLabs (supports email notifications).
channel in Celo discord.- @CeloGov twitter account run by Figment.Network.
- @Celo_Ryabina_bot telegram bot by Ryabina provides notifications for Governance and other events.
Wrap up
Governance process gives a chance to all Celo Gold holders to voice their opinions. Every vote does count, so take advantage of this opportunity and participate in shaping the future of the Celo ecosystem.
If you run into any issues, please report them to: [email protected].